Thursday, March 31, 2016

3/31 Classroom Update

This week, we learned all about the letter S and Springtime. We focused on learning about rain, why it rains, and why rain is important. During centers, we made snakes for our alphabet books, constructed flower gardens out of shapes, matched words to their beginning sound letters, extended spring patterns, and did a little "spring cleaning" in our classroom kitchen with dusters and sponges.

Here are some of the books we read about Spring/Letter S this week:

Image result for Spring is here book Image result for hurray for spring  Image result for down comes the rain Image result for everything spring Image result for i see spring Image result for and then it's spring Image result for letter s alphatales

April Calendar:

Dairy Discovery Field Trip: We will be taking a field trip to Swisslane Farms on Tuesday, May 10th from 9:15-10:45 AM and 1:15-2:45 PM. At Swisslane Farms, we will bottle feed newborn calves, see where the cows eat and sleep, watch as cows are being milked, ride on the "Goin' Green" Hayride, and have a special snack. Be on the lookout for permission slips and driver/chaperone volunteer forms in your child's folder after spring break!

Spring Break: There are no preschool classes starting Friday, April 1 through Friday April 8. Preschool classes will resume on Monday, April 11. Childcare will be closed Friday, April 1 but will reopen for the week of April 4-8.

Have a wonderful Spring Break!