Friday, October 23, 2015

10/23 Classroom Update

10/23 Update: Conferences, Halloween Parties and More!

Fall Conferences: Fall conferences will be held on Monday, November 9th and Thursday, November 12th after school. Please follow the link below to sign up for one ten-minute fall parent-teacher conference. Due to the short amount of time we have during conferences, I will be asking parents to fill out a pre-conference form to help me make the most effective use of our time together. This form will be coming home in your child's folder next Thursday (10/29). I'm looking forward to meeting with all of you!

Halloween Parties: Thank you to all of the parents who signed up to help with our upcoming Halloween parties! Our PM class will have their party on Thursday, October 29th from 2:30-3:15 pm, and our AM class will have their party on Friday, October 30th from 10:30-11:15 am. Children may wear their Halloween costumes the day of their Halloween party. Before the party begins, we will have a parade through the administrative side of the building to show off our costumes!

Photo Permission Slips: In your child's folder this week is a permission slip for me to post pictures of your child on our classroom blog. Pictures taken will be solely for the use of our classroom blog, and I will never post names of students. Please sign and return the form indicating whether or not you give permission for your child's picture to be on our classroom blog. If you need a new copy of the form, please let me know!

Weekly Recap: This week, we learned all about the letter B and participated in Bedtime themed activities. We read favorite bedtime stories, built bedrooms out of blocks, put babies to bed, painted starry skies, practiced one-to-one correspondence through making "blankets," and sorted things we do/see in the day and night. I loved seeing everyone in their pajamas and learning about their favorite blankets/stuffed animals to sleep with!

Our favorite finger-play of the week was "Five Little Children." It is very similar to "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed." Here are the words so you may do the rhyme at home with your preschooler!

Five little children were jumping on the bed, (show five little children/fingers with one hand jumping on bed/other hand out flat)
One jumped too high and bumped his head, (show fingers jumping up, hold head)
Mother came in and mother said,
There shouldn't be children bumping on the bed. (scold with finger)

Repeat with 4, 3, and 2 children....

One little child was jumping on the bed,
He jumped too high and bumped his head,
Father came in and father said,
There are no more children jumping on the bed. (hands on hips, frowning)

Next week, we will learn about the letter R and focus on theme Royalty. We will learn all about kings, queens, princes, and princesses and make our own royal crowns. We will learn about castles and build our own using blocks and sugar cubes. We will also have our Halloween parties at the end of the week! I'm looking forward to another great week!

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