Friday, May 20, 2016

5/20 Classroom Update

This week, we had so much fun learning about camping and camping out in our classroom. We sang lots of silly campfire songs, camped in our classroom tent, went fishing at the water table, painted campfires with our hands, and made campers in their sleeping bags. Here are some of the great books we read this week:

Image result for when we go camping Image result for a camping spree with mr. magee Image result for the berenstain bears blaze a trail Image result for my camp outImage result for bailey goes camping Image result for curious george goes camping Image result for fred and ted go camping 

Hearing/Vision Screening Results: The results of your child's hearing and vision screening tests went home this week in your child's folder. Please keep this blue piece of paper in a safe place as hearing and vision screenings are required to enter kindergarten.

Reminder: There is no school on Monday, May 30th for Memorial Day.

Next week, we will be reading lots of fairy tales and fractured fairy tales. I'm looking forward to another great week!

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