Friday, April 12, 2019

4/12 Classroom Update

This week, we learned about the -at word family and engaged in lots of fun spring activities! We mimicked how a seed grows into a flower with a parachute, painted beautiful spring flowers, and learned about why it rains. We also worked on sounding out, reading, and writing words in the -at word family (like cat, hat, mat, sat, chat, etc.). Here are some picture highlights from the week:

We practiced identifying numbers with a ladybug spin and stamp game!

We used bottles to paint beautiful spring flowers!

We built words from the -at word family with playdough!

We practiced reading, stamping, and writing words from the -at family!

We decorated spring playdough mats!

We painted spring tulips with forks!

We matched upper and lowercase letters with butterflies!

Next week, we will start our unit on living and non-living things by learning about plants and what they need. We will also be planting radishes to observe and bring home later this year!

Important Dates/Reminders:

KDL Classroom Visits: KDL will come visit our classroom on 4/30 to talk about "everything library." KDL will also visit on 5/14 with some fun STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities.

Hearing and Vision Screenings: The Kent Count Health Department will be at WECC to conduct hearing and vision screenings on May 14th and 15th.

Memorial Day: There is no school on Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.

End of the Year Family Celebration: Please join our class for a year end celebration on Tuesday, June 4th from 2-3 pm to reminisce, create summer plans and say goodbye to friends. We will provide cake and drinks!

Last Day of School: The last day of school for PM preschool students is Wednesday, June 5th. We will be having a fun water day to celebrate our last day! More details to come.

Have a great weekend!

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