Friday, October 14, 2022

10/14 Classroom Update

Important Dates/Reminders:

Classroom Directory Survey: I am creating a classroom directory for families to coordinate playdates, carpooling, etc. If you have not already, please fill out this quick form at your earliest convenience so that I can create the directory to share with our class!

Extra Clothes: With the change in the weather, now is a great time to switch your child's extra clothes in their backpack to warmer items. 

School Pictures: Please check your child's folder for their school picture card. Please hold onto this card to access and order your child's pictures online as no paper proofs will be sent home. It can take a few days for pictures to appear on the website, so keep checking if they are not up yet. Make-up/retake pictures will be taken on Wednesday, November 2nd. Please let me know if you would like to have your child's picture retaken. 

No School: There are no preschool classes on Friday, October 28th. WECC childcare will be open that day for children enrolled in the childcare program that filled out the specific form for that day. 

Halloween Parade: We will be holding an outdoor Halloween Parade on Monday, October 31st (weather permitting) on the field next to the WECC parking lot. We ask that families line up around the perimeter during the parade. The morning parade will be held at 11:00 am with dismissal from the classroom exterior doors at the end of the parade. The afternoon parade will be held at 2:45 pm with dismissal from the classroom exterior doors at the end of the parade. You may send your child to school dressed in their costume for the day or send their costume in if you prefer to have them change ahead of the parade. Your child also does not have to dress up if they prefer. This year, we will also be engaging in Halloween learning fun all week in class to celebrate in lieu of a party.

Costumes: Please avoid scary masks and scary make-up. And as always, no weapons of any kind are allowed at school, even when they are part of a costume. 

Thanksgiving Break: WECC will be closed Wednesday, November 23rd through Friday, November 25th for Thanksgiving. Classes will resume on Monday, November 28th. 

MWF 3's Class:

This week, we've focused on what it means to be kind and a good friend! We discussed the importance of kindness and sorted behaviors that are kind versus unkind. We also learned about cotton ball and sandpaper words. Cotton ball words are kind words that feel good (ex. thank you, compliments, please, encouraging others, using a nice tone of voice, etc), while sandpaper words feel hurtful and can "scratch our feelings" (ex. mean words, a mean voice, calling names, yelling). We read The Rainbow Fish and worked on different strategies for sharing (i.e. how to ask to play with something, taking turns, playing together, setting timers, etc.)! We played lots of turn taking games and fished in our rainbow sensory bin. On Friday, we used teamwork to make "friendship treats" where we added in lots of ingredients that make a good friend. We also met "Space Invader," an alien who likes to get too close to others to get their attention. We practiced saying "space please" to Space Invader and were amazed at how he backed away right away! We are working on using that language in class with others when we need some space. This week, we learned about the letter D and turned our handprints into a dog for our letter books. Next week, we will continue to learn about friendship and feelings, as well as learn about pumpkins! Here are some picture highlights from our week in 3's:

PM 5's Class:

This week in 5's, we learned all about pumpkins and the letter E. We learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin, what pumpkins can be used for, and explored the inside of a pumpkin. Many of us thought it was great fun to touch and play with the slimy pumpkin pulp! During circle time, we compared apples and pumpkins using a venn diagram, measured how tall our classroom pumpkin is, and carved our pumpkin into a shape jack-o-lantern. The highlight of the week was turning our jack-o-lantern into a volcano! During center time, we played a pumpkin number recognition/counting game, worked on subtraction by hiding mini pumpkins, extended pumpkin patterns and solved rhyming riddles. We also enjoyed making pumpkin pies and jack-o-lanterns using our pumpkin pie playdoh!  In our fine motor journals, we cut out circles and ovals to create a pumpkin patch, drew a still life of a pumpkin, and fished for magnetic letters to practice writing letters. Next week, we will learn about the letter T, our 5 senses and engage in several scientific explorations using our senses! Here are some picture highlights from our week in 5's:

Have a great weekend!

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