Friday, March 15, 2019

3/15 Classroom Update

This week, we explored rainbows and learned about the letter Z! In class, we demonstrated how a prism separates white light into all of the colors of a rainbow, as well as worked together to make a liquid rainbow out of different liquids with different densities. We also experimented with mixing colors to see how together colors can form new colors. Here are some picture highlights of our week in preschool:

We made pots of gold and imagined what we would do if we found a pot of gold!

We used skittles to build and create our own patterns!

After reading The Rainbow Fish, we painted our own rainbow fish.

We turned the letter Z into a zebra for our letter books. 

All aboard Flight 123 in Play Air! 

We read about how to catch a leprechaun and painted our own leprechauns with forks!

We solved basic addition problems with mini rainbows!

We experimented with rainbow colors!

We practiced writing the letter Z in our Handwriting Without Tears books.

We worked together to make a liquid rainbow!

Important Dates/Reminders:

Sensory Night: We are hosting our 2nd Annual Family Sensory Night this coming Wednesday March 20th from 6-8 pm! We will have several fun sensory activities in each of the classrooms. Sign up sheets are by the tablets in our front lobby. Please indicate how many people in your family will be attending so we can make sure we have enough supplies. Please wear/bring clothes to get messy in!

Spring Break: There are no preschool classes 3/29 - 4/5 for spring break. School will resume Monday, April 8th as a make-up day for previous snow days.

KDL Classroom Visits: KDL will come visit our classroom on 4/30 to talk about "everything library." KDL will also visit on 5/14 with some fun STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities.

Memorial Day: There is no school on Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.

Last Day of School: The last day of school for PM preschool students is Wednesday, June 5th.

Have a great weekend!

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